Connecting with your Spouse!

How many of you have asked your husband or wife, “how was your day” when you get home? You ask this question hoping to learn something about their life that you missed out on during working hours, understand something about the inner workings of their heart, or just truly hear from them something about their day. You are looking for connection. But how often are you met with the same boring response such as, “fine, good, stressful, long” and the pattern continues?

Come on friends! If we want to connect in a new way, asking the same old boring question will just not do the trick. If we want new responses and new connection, we need to ask new questions! I challenge you to ditch the tired, “how was your day” question and engage your creativity.

When I come home and ask my hubby, “how was your day, love?” after a long day of work, it is GUARANTEED he will respond with, “good, stressful, ehh" - which gives me ZERO information about his day and what went on. BUT if I ask him one of these other questions such as, “how did you see God today” or “what was the highlight of your day” I learn something new about his experience, feel closer and am able to have a much more substantial conversation that we both feel good about.

Click HERE to download my list of top favorite questions that foster connection between you and your spouse! These 21 conversational prompts will open up your discussion and bring you to new depths of understanding one another.